CDVE2022 Successfully held, See you in
Mallorca, 2023!
The CDVE2022 has come to a great success. Our
host team at the Jagiellonian University led by
Professor Grabska has done a great job. Our
thanks go to all the team members of our host
team for their hard work. Our thanks also go to
all the participants, speakers, session chairs
and our keynote speakers!
The conference announced that the CDVE2023 will
be held in Mallorca, Spain on Oct. 1-4, 2023.
This will be our 20 anniversary of the
conference. Mark your agenda! All the old
friends, new friends are welcome to come to
celebrate with us.
Our Keynote Speakers
This year we invited two keynote speakers to
our conference. They are Professor Haibin Zhu
from Nipissing University, Canada and Professor
Andrzej Grabowski at the National Research
Institute, Poland. About their speech titles and
their detailed information, please refer to our
keynote speaker page for more
CDVE2022 is under the Honorary Patronage
of the Rector of Jagiellonian University
The conference CDVE2022 is under the
Honorary Patronage of prof. Dr hab. Jacek
Popiel, the Rector of the Jagiellonian
University. Patronage of the Rector is an
honorary distinction, emphasizing the special
nature of the conference.
The conference will be held online virtual.
Our team in Krakow will be in charge of the
conference control and all the activities during
the conference. You and your colleagues are most
welcome to participate!
The conference registration is now open.
You can go to the conference registration page
to make your early registration now.
SCI Journal Publication Opportunities
The accepted papers of CDVE2022 will have the
opportunity to be fully extended and published
in our two SCI special issues. Do not miss it!
The journals are:
1. Journal of Electronics:
2. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine.
for more details.
CDVE2022 Will be Online
The CDVE2022 will be held virtually online with
our central conference control in Krakow, Poland
on Sept. 25-28, 2022. You are all welcome to
submit papers and join us! Our host will be the
of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer
Science of the Jagiellonian University.
To find an introduction about the city and have
a virtual tour, you can go to our venue
page for more information.
CDVE2021 have been held successfully online.
participants from 5 continents presented their
papers during the conference and discuss
cooperative issues in design, visualization and
engineering. They also enjoyed the keynote
speech and the social activities very much.
Getting together online from all over the world
in an unusual pandemic situation is an exciting
experience. There are many wonderful moments and
small stories that made our participants smile.

The indexing systems for our proceedings book
Our proceedings book published by the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) enters the
following indexing systems:
Conference Proceedings Citation Index -
Science (CPCI-S) included in ISI Web
of Science |
• Google Scholar • IO-Port |
• EI
Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec
databases) |
• MathSciNet |
ACM Digital Library |
• Scopus |
• dblp |
• Zentralblatt MATH |