Sept. 20 - Sept. 23, 2015, Mallorca, Spain

Final Paper Package Submission

Please notice that by sending your final paper package to CDVE 2015 , you agree to fulfill the obligation of making one early registration per paper with the registration fee paid as required. Please double check your paper before submitting. 
Please send your final package to the conference email cdve2015 at before June 20.  The mail title should include your paper number as "paper ... final version". After June 20, you should pay the normal registration fee.
Please use the Easychair paper number to name your package. For example submission 34, the .zip should be named The mail title should be
"Paper 34 final version". Please make sure that you include the following 3 items in your paper package:
1) All files of your paper strictly following the instructions of  LNCS templates, particularly the paper format:
choice 1) .pdf with .doc.
choice 2) .pdf and your files in Latex. Please control the page width exactly as the template.
copyright form: Please fill up the form and print it out. After, sign the form and scan it. You can send in .pdf format. Please save it in smaller file size before you put it into the package.
Title of the Book/Volume/Conference: The 12th International Conference on
Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE2015)
Volume Editor(s): Yuhua Luo
3) Early registration payment proof copy of at least one author per paper.  Without payment proof, the paper will not be included for publication.

Each paper should include and ONLY include:
Title, Author names(without personal and  job title), Affiliations, emails, abstract, keywords, and main text. Maximum 8 pages for full paper and 4 pages for short papers unkess you are notified to extend your paper to 10 pages. Extra pages will be available by purchasing in your online registration form.

CDVE2015 Paper Submission

Full paper  - 8 pages
Short  paper  - 4 pages

Send your paper in .doc or .pdf format to the Easychair system at the following URL:
If you do not have an account in Easychair system before, you can sign up an account on this page by clicking the link "sign up for an account". You don't need to submit an abstract before, just submit the paper directly to the system. If you did submit an abstract,  please use the same account and same submission number to submit your paper using the command "Submit a new version".

Each paper should include and only include:
Title, author names, affiliations, emails, keywords, abstract and main text.

You should follow strictly the LNCS instructions and format to submit your paper. A few extra pages may be considered if it is absolutely necessary but with a cost. The author’s instructions can be found in:

At this stage, you don’t need to send copyright forms, only a copy of .pdf of your paper in the right format. The final version of the accepted papers will need to sign a copyright form.
Here is the copyright form for the accepted papers.

All the papers will pass a peer review and only accepted papers will be published in the proceedings and join the selection for journal publication.

CDVE2015 Poster Paper Submission

Abstract submission: May 20, 2015, please use Easychair system to submit your poster paper. You can upload it as .pdf. The URL is:

Notification of acceptance of abstract: June 1, 2015
Final poster file submission and Registration for authors: July 31, 2015

The accepted poster paper will have a space and a time slot to display your poster. This will be informed after your paper acceptance. 

Each poster paper .zip package should include: 
1) One page Powerpoint presentation size A0 or A1 which contains:
Title, Author names, Affiliations, emails, abstract, keywords, and main text outlines in a couple small sections with figures.  Extra pages are available by purchasing in your early registration form online.


2) Registration payment proof. At least one author's early registration with payment before July 31. 
If you have more than one poster paper, please separate each paper in one package.

The name of the .zip file is the number of the easychair submission.

We will inform you your presentation date and time before the conference.  You should print your own poster and take it to the allocated space in the conference to post it. You should be available during the time for any questions the audients have.


University of Balearic Islands


University of Balearic Islands

Institut für Rechnergestützte Ingenieursysteme

Information Visutalization Society

 Supporting journals

Concurrent Engineering 


Interact Design