Sept. 20 - Sept. 23, 2015, Mallorca, Spain

CDVE2015 Final Program

The final program of the conference is now available. You can download it here.

Sept. 20, 2015:  Evening Registration
Sept. 21, 2015:    Conference opening, paper presentations
Evening: conference reception
Sept. 22, 2015:    Paper presentations
Evening: conference dinner
Sept. 23, 2015:     Paper presentation

Conference closing

Our Keynote Speaker

Thomas Tamisier:  With a PhD degree in Computer Science from Telecom Paristech, France, focusing on AI and formal methods, Thomas worked within the Research Divisions of BULL S.A., France and NEC Co, Japan, in logic modeling and proof of electronic circuits, and then at 3D Inc., Yokohama, Japan, in real-time graphic computing and interactive software development. In 2003, he moved to the CRP-Gabriel Lippmann as a project leader in the “Informatics, Systems and Collaboration” department. Currently at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), he leads the group “Data Processing & Statistics”, within the eScience Research Unit of the Environmental Research and Innovation department.

Speech Title
Mixing Data Mining and Decision Support for Industrial and Research Cooperation

In order to assist or replace humans in various critical tasks, such as resources optimization in a given business, decision support systems must disentangle intricate situations and perform sophisticated analysis. To do so, they rely on knowledge about their application domain that can be heterogeneous, partially un-formalized, implicit, or diffuse. Moreover, such knowledge should be maintained up-to-date by mining massive data coming from daily operating or other numerous data sources. The building, management and representation of knowledge are therefore crucial to control the deployment of decision support systems, ensure their proper functioning, and keep an intuitive view upon their expected behaviour. We will illustrate this challenge by discussing a fruitful approach of mixing data mining and decision support in the context of several scientific and operational partnerships.


University of Balearic Islands


University of Balearic Islands

Institut für Rechnergestützte Ingenieursysteme

Information Visutalization Society

 Supporting journals

Concurrent Engineering 


Interact Design