Journal publication possibilities
The desire journal form has been filled. The selection will begin soon.
All the authors will be contacted soon if they filled up the desire
form. Thanks to all!
Fina Paper Package Submission
Please notice that by
sending your final paper package to CDVE 2014 , you agree to fulfill
obligation of making one early registration per paper with the
registration fee
paid as required.
Accepted paper authors should use the Easychair system with the same
number to upload your final paper .zip package before June 15, 2014.
You can
use "Submit a new version" command on the upper right side of your
window. Please use the Easychair paper number to name your
package. For
example submission 34, the .zip should be named Please make
sure that
you include the following 3 items in your paper package:
1) All files of your paper strictly following the instructions of
LNCS templates, particularly the paper
choice 1) .pdf with .doc.
choice 2) .pdf and your files in Latex. Please control the page width
as the template.
2) LNCS copyright form: Please fill up the
form and print
it out. After, sign the form and scan it. You can send in .pdf format.
save it in smaller file size before you put it into the package.
Title of the Book/Volume/Conference: The 11th
International Conference
Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE2014)
Volume Editor(s): Yuhua Luo
3) Early registration payment proof copy of at least one author per
paper. Without payment proof, the paper will not be included for
Each paper should include and ONLY include:
Title, Author names(without personal and job title),
emails, abstract, keywords, and main text. Maximum 8 pages for full
paper and 4
pages for short papers. Extra pages will be available by purchasing in
online registration
Paper Submission
You are welcome to
submit either a full paper or a short paper to the conference without
submitting an abstract before. All the accepted full and short papers
will be published on LNCS. After the conference, selected papers will
invited to fully extend and rewrite to submit to the special issues of
SCI indexed
Concurrent Engineering
and the journal of
Supported Cooperative Work guest edited by our
proceeding editor. For the conference proceedings:
Full paper - 8
paper - 4 pages
Each paper should include and only include:
Title, author names, affiliations, emails, keywords, abstract and main
You should follow strictly the LNCS instructions and format to submit
your paper. A few extra pages may be considered if it is absolutely
necessary but with a cost. The author’s instructions can be found in:
At this stage, you don’t need to send copyright forms, only a copy of
.pdf of your paper in the right format. The final version of the
accepted papers will need to sign a copyright form.
Send your paper in .pdf format to the Easychair system at the
following URL:
You will need an Easychair account to submit your abstract. If you do
not have it before, you can sign up an account on this page by clicking
the link sign up for an account.
If you have submitted an abstract, please use the same account and same
submission number to
submit your paper using the command "Submit a new version".
All the papers will pass a peer review and only
accepted papers will
be published in the proceedings.