Speech title: E-CARGO and
Role-Based Collaboration
Dr. Haibin Zhu is a Full
Professor and the Coordinator of the
Computer Science Program, the Founding
Director of the Collaborative Systems
Laboratory, Nipissing University,
Canada. He received a B.S. degree in
computer engineering and M.S. and Ph.D.
degrees in computer science from the
National University of Defense Technology,
He was the chair of the Department of
Computer Science and Mathematics,
Nipissing University, Canada (2019-2021).
He has over 200 research publications
including 30 more IEEE Transactions
articles, six books and other
publications. He serves as a member of the
Board of Governors, co-chair of a couple
IEEE technical committees and journal
editors including
Editor-in-Chief of IEEE SMC Magazine.
More details about the speech can be found
in Abstract.
Professor Andrzej Grabowski
title: Interaction in groups in virtual
environments and its usability
Prof. Andrzej Grabowski,
Ph. D, D. Sc., professor at CIOP-PIB, is
the head of the Virtual Reality Laboratory
at the Department of Safety Engineering of
Central Institute for Labour Protection -
National Research Institute.
He is a graduate of the Faculty of Physics
at the Warsaw University of Technology. In
his work, he conducts research on the use
of virtual reality in various fields,
including training, cognitive functions
and abilities, tele-presence and
supporting rehabilitation of the upper
limb. He works on the development of VR
techniques. For example in the laboratory
he manages, simulators of various types of
vehicles and machines, remotely controlled
mobile robots, wireless VR gloves with
force feedback and vision based safety
systems are developed.